
We are an Anglican church plant in Columbia, MO. Don't know what that means? Click the links on this blog to find out.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What is Anglican? Part 3: A Global Church

The Anglican church exists around the globe.  There are Anglican churches on every continent in countries such as Rwanda, Nigeria, Egypt, Singapore, Myanmar, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Norway, and many more. We are community that not only enters into worship with those who came before us (see What is Anglican? Part 1: Ancient Roots) but with the whole world. We all worship together as one church. Worldwide there are over seventy million Anglicans, and most of them are not in the western world.

In the Anglican church, we believe that everybody is to worship God together as one people, followers of Christ who have been redeemed by God's grace. This community emphasis is increasingly important in the western world where individualism is destroying communities. The Anglican church represents a lively tradition that can interact with the culture around it without being compromised by that culture. The Book of Common Prayer, which we all use to worship, has been translated into many languages, and the music and style of a worship service can be altered to fit the cultural norms of any global setting.

We believe that Jesus Christ died for the whole world, and because of that, the Church is not limited to one national identity.  The Church is a far richer place when we interact with believers of other cultures. We believe that it is important to support our brothers and sisters in faith around the world by praying for them regularly, by giving money to churches in need, and (when possible) visiting churches of other nations to offer support and to learn from them.  If you want to learn more about the Anglican Church of the Advent's international ties, please contact me at adventpastor@gmail.com.

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